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New feature

UserMotion + Close

Zeynep avatar
Shared by Zeynep • February 27, 2024

Good news! Now with UserMotion + Close, send your unqualified lead and customers to UserMotion to be qualified based on their intent level and customer fit score.

Integrating UserMotion with Close enables easier lead prioritization, increases sales efficiency and optimizes marketing strategies by qualifying leads based on intent and customer fit.

How to connect?

1. Log in to UserMotion at app.usermotion.com

2. Go to Settings and then to Integrations

3. Click on "Connect" Close

4. You will be redirected to an OAuth page to allow permissions. After granting permissions, you will be redirected back to UserMotion

5. UserMotion will then start importing data from Close

If you have any questions or need help, leave a message!